Amy and Jimmy are one of our 2013 couples and they had such a great wedding! We really enjoyed being there to capture their special day which celebrated their Irish Catholic heritage. They were married at St. Cosmas and Damian Catholic Church in Conshohocken, PA. Their gorgeous reception was held at The William Penn Inn in Gwynedd, PA where Amy found some awesome Irish themed details to go with the decor. They were such a fun couple and we wish them all the best in the future! Take a look at their wedding.
William Penn Inn Wedding | Philadelphia PA Wedding Photographer I Amy and Jimmy
November 21, 2013 | Posted in Weddings
Media PA Newborn Photography I Lyla Newborn Session
November 9, 2013 | Posted in Bundle of Joy Plan, Dogs, Family Portraits, Newborn Baby, Newborns, Pets, Portraits
We had baby Lyla in the studio a little while back and she was such a sweet baby. She was very alert and smiled frequently. We even got to hang out with her older brother, the family dog 🙂 Lyla will certainly be well protected. One thing we loved about this session were the little headbands that Lyla’s mom brought. They definitely added a cute, girly detail to the photos. Can’t wait to see this little sweet pea soon!
Media PA Baby Portrait Photographer I Bundle of Joy Plan I Josie 6 Month Session
November 3, 2013 | Posted in Bundle of Joy Plan, Family Portraits, Newborn Baby, Portraits
Media PA School Portraits I Austin and Naomi School Days
October 29, 2013 | Posted in Portraits, Siblings
Austin and Naomi came in to the studio to take part in our School Days sessions. Everyone has that terribly embarrassing school photo. You know the year when your older brother gave you a hair cut the night before picture day? Well, we try to make our school days sessions fun and relaxed so that you don’t go home with just another awkward school photo. Check out Austin and Naomi!
Phoenixville PA Newborn Portrait Photographer I Patrick Newborn Session
October 28, 2013 | Posted in Bundle of Joy Plan, Newborn Baby, Newborns
Patrick was such a sweet baby. When he came in he was so alert but a few minutes laying in the studio and he was zonked out. Patrick is part of our Bundle of Joy plan and we can’t wait to see him for his 6 month session!